mysticism in the american society
how to subject american citizens to terrorist training, including creating terrorist profiles, personalities, and the groups, organizations, media, and us government/military/police organizations, religious christian/muslim organizations (state and national levels)and international governments who send operatives into the united states, where these groups operate to to conduct apocalyptic terrorist training using american citizens..where these groups are tasked with training american citizens to become apocalyptic human time bombs(including crimminal/crime based activities)for programs, skits, and routines created and run in the american society and correspond with key events in the american social society ie election, holiday, celebrity birthing of children coinciding with elections sports events, award ceremonies, etc
I. how to select americans for apocalyptic terrorist training
II. creating the apocalyptic personality profile how to upset a victims life with strife, family strife, money strife, job strife and use all these as a prodding to cause a victim to go off and then use these as a coverup or reason or justification excuse for why a victim committed a crime.
creating the coverup to be used to explain away any crime or terrorist activity that the organization puts the victim up to
a>monetary or money hardship cover...
a/established, created and maintained to keep the victim always under monetary stress
b/paper trail creation how to create monetary issues and the paper documents for the issues that they have created.
b> creating the "stupid or strange look" cover up
a/ this is where the mystic attempts to disfigure the victim, such that when you look at the victim, just the way they look justifies guilt in a crime
a. developing obesity (females ideal look is obese with a bald head or as short hair/afros they can get with sagging breasts)
b. personal hygiene lapses
c. altering sexuality, from straight heterosexual to gay or lesbian or some other strange non normal activity,including using celebrities in an attempt to normalize bizzare sexuality and sending these celebrities to influence and train non celebrities to participate in this sexuality deviance.
d. strange clothes including jeans, sweatshirts, wearing the same clothes day after day etc
c> mood state tampering and altering, thought control
with the mood state tampering we found the ideal way to tamper with mood state is to create a non existant problem with the victim that causes some kind of pain and to keep the victim in this constant pain
a. pain in knee, pain in foot, pain in neck pain in stomach, pain in inner ear.....the idea with pain is to cause it in a location that it is difficult to stretch for relief, Also sex assaults with that thing that moves in the body, that can cause irritations in the vaginal area
b. after a few months of agonizing pain..start on the verbalization screen with sadness and despair mantras
c. use the tones to adjust, lock and hold the victims mood and emotional state in sadness, despair.
d. block the victims thoughts so the only thoughts that they hear are the mantras on the verbalization screen while forcing a lock on the victims mood state that can't change from despair
e. remind the victim also during the mood state despair block and hold of all the money issues, and loss of property that they caused so they can broadcaste it back to the victim during the despair training with the mood state lock
d>use of "extras" that help to heighten or increase the tension, stress and strain on the victim
a) use the local media and have them either in their news broadcasting or in the commercials, poke fun at the money issues that were caused via the organization to have something that they can use to mentally agitate the victim....the idea here is to flood the victim with
TV Programming/Commercials/Advertisments that all ridicule the situation that the "mysticising organization" caused, including money issues, housing issues, car issues, clothing issues and to keep this ridicule going until they need the victim to "go off" (priming and holding the victim in primed state)
and commit some crime/homicide
1, Also use the media to drop suggestions and hints at the types of crimes that the victim should be aware of and choose, when they go off...
2. Use the Media via pharmaceutical commericals with the list of side effects to make suggestions or put into the victims mind types of medical illness that they can cause the victim to fall into.
b) have the victim read the bible..tell them that they are reading it to get instruction, however the reason for reading it is to use and aim the words and phrases in the book "at the victim" such that the attacker of the victim feels justified in using witchcraft aimed at the victim because the words in the book
say that the victim is of a certain type
c) use of the japanese hentai cartoons ones with the sad eyes